Trauma Patient Transfer

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The Trauma Line is a series of coordinated, pre-defined steps that are taken when a physician caring for a major trauma patient calls a toll-free line and establishes contact with the Trauma Control Physician.

Trauma Transfer Guidelines


Trauma Transfer Checklist


A call to the Trauma Line automatically starts a cascade of decisions and activity that ensures staff and physicians at sending hospitals can focus on what’s most important – caring for the patient.

All required transfer arrangements are started automatically, as is destination selection and notifications. Finally, all calls to the Trauma Line are recorded, allowing review of call management and further process improvements, where required.

The Trauma Line was implemented to ensure emergency department physicians have 24/7 access to physicians who have specialized training and experience in trauma care. The Trauma Line also ensures a timely transfer process for patients requiring advanced trauma care.

The Trauma Control Physician (TCP) is the physician who is available 24/7 to other physicians through the use of the Trauma Line. The TCP has training and experience in trauma care and provides initial clinical advice on the care of the major trauma patient. The TCP also selects and notifies the most appropriate destination Trauma Centre for the major trauma patent, and works with the communications centre at Ambulance NB to ensure the seamless transfer of the patient.