Our Team
All New Brunswickers help make Trauma NB’s mission possible.
Trauma NB has designated staff and physicians to coordinate the program’s efforts.
Trauma Control Physicians (TCPs)
Trauma Control Physicians are a critical component of the services offered directly by Trauma NB. TCPs provide guidance to trauma centres using the Trauma Line. TCPs are all New Brunswick physicians – emergency physicians, general surgeons or surgical subspecialists from our major trauma centres – who have training and experience in advanced trauma care. There is always a TCP on call, via the Trauma Line, 24/7/365. TCPs provide clinical guidance, make destination decisions for patients that need to be transferred to another trauma centre right away and make sure that the trauma centre that will receive the patient is prepared in advance of their arrival.
Dr. Tushar Pishe
Dr. Hari Ondiveeran
Dr. Colin Rouse
Dr. Mackenzie Howatt
Dr. Cherie Adams
Dr. Krishna Pulchan
Course Directors
Course Directors are responsible for the integrity of the ATLS courses we offer – making sure that we are fully compliant with requirements of the American College of Surgeons, the owners of the ATLS curriculum. Course Directors also teach and support the presentation of clinical content and learner competency evaluations, bringing deep experience in the care of seriously and critically injured patients.
Dr David Lewis and Dr André le Roux maintain clinical practice in Emergency Medicine and Neurosurgery respectively at the Saint John Regional Hospital, the provinces’ Level I designated trauma centre.
Dr. David Lewis (ATLS)
Dr. André le Roux (ATLS)
Trauma Resource Nurses
Trauma Resource Nurses play a crucial role within Trauma NB, ensuring high quality clinical support for seriously and critically injured patients around the province. Trauma Resource Nurses have comprehensive educational backgrounds (including certification in TNCC™) and extensive clinical experience in emergency and/or critical care.
They serve as the primary resource for both physicians and other members of the local critical care teams and are the leads to help implement provincial initiatives to further enhance the care of the seriously or critically injured trauma patient. The role also includes collecting and interpreting local data, evaluating clinical care and providing leadership to collaborative teams to guide quality improvement within their facilities. They serve as faculty to many of our courses, are actively engaged in trauma research and participate in local injury prevention support.
Dr. Everett Chalmers Hospital – Julie DuPlessis
The Moncton Hospital – Stacey McEachern
Dr. Georges-L. Dumont University Hospital Centre –
Chaleur Regional Hospital- Véronique Jean
Campbellton Regional Hospital – Julie Savoie
Miramichi Regional Hospital –
Saint John Regional Hospital – Susan Benjamin
Edmundston Regional Hospital – Jessica Raymond
Administrative Assistants
The operations of Trauma NB are supported by a total of three administrative assistants, working from our two major trauma centres (SJRH and TMH). These professionals provide administrative support to the Medical and Administrative Directors, ensure accurate data entry and record keeping, support course registrations and logistics and also support local and provincial injury prevention and research activities. Our Administrative Assistants are key to completing our team, allowing us to meet our mission of excellence in trauma care, injury prevention, education and research.
Emily Gallant
Lisa Miller-Snow
Sammy Jo Steeves