Winter can be a challenging season for regular outdoor activities. Every winter, the accumulation of ice and hard packed snow increases every New Brunswicker’s risk of slips and falls when walking outdoors. According to our Trauma Registry :

  • Falls is the leading cause of injury in New Brunswick
  • Every year, over 1000 people are seen in an Emergency Department after a fall due to icy surfaces.
  • There has been a 40% increase in the number of hospital visits due to slips and falls on ice since 2014.

The good news is that simple steps can be taken to reduce your risk of falls, such as:

  • Avoiding carrying heavy loads which may cause you to lose your balance
  • Wearing boots with a thick, non-slip tread to help maintain your footing on slippery surfaces.
  • Using appropriate walking aids as needed
  • Following the advice from the experts – WALK LIKE A PENGUIN!

The penguin is one animal that has mastered the winter walk. We recommend that you follow their lead to learn how to avoid a fall and possible injuries when walking on icy surfaces. For more information about how to “Walk Like A Penguin”, please click on the links below: